jlink output re-create parameter

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Apr 10 20:31:11 UTC 2017

On 10/04/2017 20:35, Rahman USTA wrote:

> When using the jlink command if there is a created directory, jlink gives
> "Error: directory already exists: <path>" output. I remember it was
> overwriting the files in earlier releases. I think there could be a -f
> parameter to force overwriting or recreating the output.
I don't recall it every overriding as that would be problematic if the 
existing run-time image is in use. If jlink were to blow away the 
existing image then it might cause existing VMs to SIGBUS. On Windows 
then it won't be able to remove all files. Moving the directory to a 
.bak directory has also been looked at but it has issues too.


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