jlink output re-create parameter

Rahman USTA rahman.usta.88 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 20:35:28 UTC 2017

I got it, thank you for the explanation.

2017-04-10 23:31 GMT+03:00 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>:

> On 10/04/2017 20:35, Rahman USTA wrote:
> When using the jlink command if there is a created directory, jlink gives
>> "Error: directory already exists: <path>" output. I remember it was
>> overwriting the files in earlier releases. I think there could be a -f
>> parameter to force overwriting or recreating the output.
>> I don't recall it every overriding as that would be problematic if the
> existing run-time image is in use. If jlink were to blow away the existing
> image then it might cause existing VMs to SIGBUS. On Windows then it won't
> be able to remove all files. Moving the directory to a .bak directory has
> also been looked at but it has issues too.
> -Alan

Rahman USTA
Istanbul JUG

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