Proposal for New Functionality: Allow module-info merging in

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Dec 11 15:25:43 UTC 2017

On 06/12/2017 18:51, mandy chung wrote:
> Moving this to jigsaw-dev....
> On 12/6/17 8:38 AM, Adam Farley8 wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Currently, does not allow you to merge extra
>> module-info files into the primary module-info file (for a given module)
>> at build time.
> This tool intends to augment platform-specific 
> exports/opens/uses/provides but not requires.  It was a design choice 
> we made that JDK modules are expected to have the same dependences for 
> all platforms.
Right, more specifically the `requires transitive` should never be 

If there is use-case where the implementation is so different that it 
needs `requires` in the .extra file then it can be done but the 
augmenting would need to be done before the build computes the ordering 
that the modules are compiled (the modules are compiled in reserve 
topological order as Mandy knows).


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