jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
james.connors at oracle.com
Thu Feb 9 18:42:54 UTC 2017
Trying to create JDK9 runtime image that includes only the necessary
modules to run a JavaFX program called Scoreboard. It has been
converted to a JDK9 module called Scoreboard and has dependencies on
system modules as well as another module called com.jtconnors.socket.
More details below, this program runs fine when invoked with jdk9-ea+155
as follows (Scoreboard.jar and com.jtconnors.socket.jar are in the
current directory):
C:\tmp\scratch>java --module-path . -m Scoreboard
However when attempting to create the jlink image as follows, this error
message appears:
C:\tmp\scratch>jlink --module-path .;\Users\jtconnor\jdk-9\jmods
--add-modules S
coreboard --output reducedImage --compress=2 --strip-debug
Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Module Scoreboard's descriptor
returns incons
istent package set
Here are step-by-step details, First thing shown here is what worked:
Example 1: create was a reduced Jdk9 runtime image that includes just
the com.jtconnors.socket module with all it's dependencies. Here's what
the module-info.java file for com.jtconnors.socket looks like:
module com.jtconnors.socket {
requires java.base;
requires java.logging;
exports com.jtconnors.socket;
exports com.jtconnors.socket.test;
Here's my PATH:
C:\tmp\scratch>echo %PATH%
And here's what java -version says:
C:\tmp\scratch>java -version
java version "9-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9-ea+155)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9-ea+155, mixed mode)
The com.jtconnors.socket.jar file is in the C:\tmp\scratch directory:
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5C29-8814
Directory of C:\tmp\scratch
02/08/2017 07:39 PM <DIR> .
02/08/2017 07:39 PM <DIR> ..
02/08/2017 07:03 PM 60,051 com.jtconnors.socket.jar
1 File(s) 60,051 bytes
2 Dir(s) 299,772,723,200 bytes free
jdeps output for com.jtconnors.socket:
C:\tmp\scratch>jdeps -s com.jtconnors.socket.jar
com.jtconnors.socket -> java.base
com.jtconnors.socket -> java.logging
Created a runtime image as follows:
C:\tmp\scratch>jlink --module-path .;\users\jtconnor\jdk-9\jmods
--add-modules com.jtconnors.socket --output reducedImage
--compress=2 --strip-debub
Run java -version with thereducedImage runtime
C:\tmp\scratch>reducedImage\bin\java -version
java version "9-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9-ea+155)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9-ea+155, mixed mode)
List the modules in the reducedImage runtime:
C:\tmp\scratch>reducedImage\bin\java --list-modules
java.base at 9-ea
java.logging at 9-ea
Run test program that comes with the com.jtconnors.socket module:
C:\tmp\scratch>reducedImage\bin\java -m
Feb 08, 2017 7:48:32 PM
com.jtconnors.socket.test.SocketServerReceiver initSocke
INFO: Waiting for connection
Example 2: Trying to create a jlink image for the Scoreboard
application, this is where jlink produces a RuntimeException
Here's what Scoreboard's module-info.java file looks like:
module Scoreboard {
requires java.base;
requires com.jtconnors.socket;
requires java.logging;
requires java.xml;
requires javafx.base;
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.graphics;
requires javafx.media;
exports scoreboard.fx2;
jdeps output for Scoreboard.jar:
C:\tmp\scratch>jdeps --module-path . -s Scoreboard.jar
Scoreboard -> com.jtconnors.socket
Scoreboard -> java.base
Scoreboard -> java.logging
Scoreboard -> java.xml
Scoreboard -> javafx.base
Scoreboard -> javafx.controls
Scoreboard -> javafx.graphics
Scoreboard -> javafx.media
Attempted to create a runtime image as follows and got this output:
C:\tmp\scratch>jlink --module-path .;\Users\jtconnor\jdk-9\jmods
--add-modules S
coreboard --output reducedImage --compress=2 --strip-debug
Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Module Scoreboard's descriptor
returns incons
istent package set
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