February 2017 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Feb 1 05:06:42 UTC 2017
Ending: Tue Feb 28 08:23:00 UTC 2017
Messages: 374
- [9] RFR: 8169715: jimage fails with IAE when attempts to inspect an empty file
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- RFR 8174209: Renumber the compress levels
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- RFR 8174718: "Module <name>'s descriptor returns inconsistent package set" confusing
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- RFR: 8169713: jimage fails with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when path to the inspected image is an empty string
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- RFR 8173717: jlink --help fails with missing "plugin.opt.plugin-module-path" key in resource bundle
Sundararajan Athijegannathan
- RFR 8174209: Renumber the compress levels
Sundararajan Athijegannathan
- RFR 8174718: "Module <name>'s descriptor returns inconsistent package set" confusing
Sundararajan Athijegannathan
- RFR 8174718: "Module <name>'s descriptor returns inconsistent package set" confusing
Sundararajan Athijegannathan
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Martin Balin
- RFR 8173717: jlink --help fails with missing "plugin.opt.plugin-module-path" key in resource bundle
Alan Bateman
- The module implementation uses the wrong values for ACC_TRANSITIVE and ACC_STATIC_PHASE
Alan Bateman
- -Xlog and the module system
Alan Bateman
- -Xlog and the module system
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8145337: [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Alan Bateman
- Automatic module names
Alan Bateman
- Automatic module names
Alan Bateman
- Optional framework dependencies: requires static vs automatic modules
Alan Bateman
- ClassLoader.getResource("mypackageroot") fails against exploded module
Alan Bateman
- ClassLoader.getResource("mypackageroot") fails against exploded module
Alan Bateman
- Adding module descriptor to existing JAR file
Alan Bateman
- jigsaw and accessibility extensions
Alan Bateman
- [9] RFR 8170113: jimage extract to readonly directory causes MissingResourceException
Alan Bateman
- Automatic module names
Alan Bateman
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Alan Bateman
- Automatic module names
Alan Bateman
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Alan Bateman
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Alan Bateman
- "OpenJDK specific" attribute specifications
Alan Bateman
- [9] RFR 8170113: jimage extract to readonly directory causes MissingResourceException
Alan Bateman
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Alan Bateman
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Alan Bateman
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Alan Bateman
- "OpenJDK specific" attribute specifications
Alan Bateman
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Alan Bateman
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Alan Bateman
- Review Request: JDK-8174739: Rename JMOD section name for native libraries from native to lib
Alan Bateman
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Alan Bateman
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Alan Bateman
- Compiling classes for multi-release JAR with module-info.java
Alan Bateman
- JAR searched on the classpath instead of the module path in Build #156
Alan Bateman
- Review Request: JDK-8174740: RuntimeException: Module m's descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Alan Bateman
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Alan Bateman
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Alan Bateman
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Alan Bateman
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Alan Bateman
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8174209: Renumber the compress levels
Alan Bateman
- Changed behaviour of ResourceBundle#getBundle()
Alan Bateman
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8174718: "Module <name>'s descriptor returns inconsistent package set" confusing
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8174718: "Module <name>'s descriptor returns inconsistent package set" confusing
Alan Bateman
- Extending java.base module
Alan Bateman
- Extending java.base module
Alan Bateman
- Extending java.base module
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Alan Bateman
- Extending java.base module
Alan Bateman
- Performance of JrtFileSystemProvider.exists
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8175079: Lazy initialization of ImageReader breaks rmid
Alan Bateman
- jlink - excluding optional dependencies
Alan Bateman
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Alan Bateman
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Alan Bateman
- Another module system question
Alan Bateman
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Alan Bateman
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8175385: ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator scans boot and platform modules for services
Alan Bateman
- Review Request: JDK-8175193: jlink and `requires static`
Alan Bateman
- Problem loading Truffle service providers in Graal
Alan Bateman
- Problem loading Truffle service providers in Graal
Alan Bateman
- Problem loading Truffle service providers in Graal
Alan Bateman
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Alan Bateman
- [9] Review request: JDK-8170200: Packager Redistributable Module List Unit Test
Chris Bensen
- [9] Review request: JDK-8170200: Packager Redistributable Module List Unit Test
Chris Bensen
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Alex Buckley
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Alex Buckley
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Alex Buckley
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Alex Buckley
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Alex Buckley
- Current list of new (contextual) keywords
Barry Burd
- RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR 8173717: jlink --help fails with missing "plugin.opt.plugin-module-path" key in resource bundle
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8145337: [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Mandy Chung
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Add AccessibleObject::canAccess and trySetAccessible
Mandy Chung
- [9] Review request: JDK-8170200: Packager Redistributable Module List Unit Test
Mandy Chung
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Mandy Chung
- Review Request: JDK-8174739: Rename JMOD section name for native libraries from native to lib
Mandy Chung
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Mandy Chung
- Review Request: JDK-8174740: RuntimeException: Module m's descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Mandy Chung
- RFR 8174209: Renumber the compress levels
Mandy Chung
- RFR 8174718: "Module <name>'s descriptor returns inconsistent package set" confusing
Mandy Chung
- Review Request: JDK-8173374: Update GenGraphs tool to generate dot graph with requires transitive edges
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes
Mandy Chung
- Review Request: JDK-8173374: Update GenGraphs tool to generate dot graph with requires transitive edges
Mandy Chung
- Review Request: JDK-8173374: Update GenGraphs tool to generate dot graph with requires transitive edges
Mandy Chung
- Review Request: JDK-8173374: Update GenGraphs tool to generate dot graph with requires transitive edges
Mandy Chung
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Mandy Chung
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes
Mandy Chung
- Review Request: JDK-8175193: jlink and `requires static`
Mandy Chung
- Review Request: JDK-8175193: jlink and `requires static`
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8175385: ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator scans boot and platform modules for services
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8175561: Memory churn in jimage code affects startup after resource encapsulation changes
Mandy Chung
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Maurizio Cimadamore
- Automatic module names - "requires package" proposal
Stephen Colebourne
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Stephen Colebourne
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Stephen Colebourne
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Stephen Colebourne
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
- jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Vitaly Davidovich
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Vitaly Davidovich
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Vitaly Davidovich
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Vitaly Davidovich
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Vitaly Davidovich
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Vitaly Davidovich
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Vitaly Davidovich
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Vitaly Davidovich
- [9] Review request: JDK-8170200: Packager Redistributable Module List Unit Test
David DeHaven
- Automatic module names
Andrew Dinn
- Automatic module names
Ali Ebrahimi
- Remove sun.misc.Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass
Christoph Engelbert
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Lois Foltan
- The module implementation uses the wrong values for ACC_TRANSITIVE and ACC_STATIC_PHASE
Remi Forax
- Current list of new (contextual) keywords
Remi Forax
- Automatic module names
Remi Forax
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Remi Forax
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Remi Forax
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Remi Forax
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Remi Forax
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Remi Forax
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Remi Forax
- Remove sun.misc.Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass
Remi Forax
- Why can't main class be given in module-info.java?
Remi Forax
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Remi Forax
- Review Request: JDK-8175193: jlink and `requires static`
Remi Forax
- Automatic module names
Brian Fox
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Brian Fox
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Brian Fox
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Daniel Fuchs
- Extending java.base module
Daniel Fuchs
- Review Request: JDK-8173374: Update GenGraphs tool to generate dot graph with requires transitive edges
Daniel Fuchs
- Review Request: JDK-8173374: Update GenGraphs tool to generate dot graph with requires transitive edges
Daniel Fuchs
- -Xlog and the module system
Jonathan Gibbons
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Jonathan Gibbons
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Jonathan Gibbons
- JAR searched on the classpath instead of the module path in Build #156
Sanne Grinovero
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Andrew Haley
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Andrew Haley
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Andrew Haley
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Andrew Haley
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Andrew Haley
- Extending java.base module
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Chris Hegarty
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Chris Hegarty
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Stephan Herrmann
- Optional framework dependencies: requires static vs automatic modules
Juergen Hoeller
- ClassLoader.getResource("mypackageroot") fails against exploded module
Juergen Hoeller
- Optional framework dependencies: requires static vs automatic modules
Juergen Hoeller
- -Xlog and the module system
David Holmes
- -Xlog and the module system
David Holmes
- Extending java.base module
David Holmes
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
David Holmes
- JAR searched on the classpath instead of the module path in Build #156
Alexandru Jecan
- "OpenJDK specific" attribute specifications
Ess Kay
- "OpenJDK specific" attribute specifications
Ess Kay
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Karen Kinnear
- [9] RFR 8170113: jimage extract to readonly directory causes MissingResourceException
Denis Kononenko
- [9] RFR: 8169715: jimage fails with IAE when attempts to inspect an empty file
Denis Kononenko
- [9] RFR: 8169715: jimage fails with IAE when attempts to inspect an empty file
Denis Kononenko
- RFR: 8145337: [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Vladimir Kozlov
- Extending java.base module
Langer, Christoph
- Extending java.base module
Langer, Christoph
- Extending java.base module
Langer, Christoph
- Another module system question
Langer, Christoph
- Another module system question
Langer, Christoph
- RFR: 8175561: Memory churn in jimage code affects startup after resource encapsulation changes
James Laskey
- Changed behaviour of ResourceBundle#getBundle()
Martin Lehmann
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Peter Levart
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Peter Levart
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Peter Levart
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Peter Levart
- Automatic module names
David M. Lloyd
- Automatic module names
David M. Lloyd
- Automatic module names
David M. Lloyd
- Automatic module names
David M. Lloyd
- Automatic module names
David M. Lloyd
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Add AccessibleObject::canAccess and trySetAccessible
David M. Lloyd
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
David M. Lloyd
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
David M. Lloyd
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
David M. Lloyd
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
David M. Lloyd
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
David M. Lloyd
- Help Unsubscribe me from this chain
Peeyush Maharshi
- AW: How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Reto Merz
- Adding module descriptor to existing JAR file
Gunnar Morling
- Adding module descriptor to existing JAR file
Gunnar Morling
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Gunnar Morling
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Gunnar Morling
- Compiling classes for multi-release JAR with module-info.java
Gunnar Morling
- Compiling classes for multi-release JAR with module-info.java
Gunnar Morling
- jlink - excluding optional dependencies
Gunnar Morling
- jlink - excluding optional dependencies
Gunnar Morling
- Why can't main class be given in module-info.java?
Gunnar Morling
- RFR: 8145337: [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8145337: [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Sean Mullan
- [9] RFR 8170113: jimage extract to readonly directory causes MissingResourceException
Andrey Nazarov
- [9] RFR: 8169715: jimage fails with IAE when attempts to inspect an empty file
Andrey Nazarov
- -Xlog and the module system
Nicolai Parlog
- -Xlog and the module system
Nicolai Parlog
- -Xlog and the module system
Nicolai Parlog
- Automatic module names
Nicolai Parlog
- -Xlog and the module system
Nicolai Parlog
- Automatic module names
Nicolai Parlog
- Extending java.base module
Michael Rasmussen
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Michael Rasmussen
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Claes Redestad
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Claes Redestad
- RFR 8174209: Renumber the compress levels
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Claes Redestad
- Review Request: JDK-8173374: Update GenGraphs tool to generate dot graph with requires transitive edges
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175010: ImageReader is not thread-safe
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175079: Lazy initialization of ImageReader breaks rmid
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175079: Lazy initialization of ImageReader breaks rmid
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8169713: jimage fails with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when path to the inspected image is an empty string
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8169713: jimage fails with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when path to the inspected image is an empty string
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175561: Memory churn in jimage code affects startup after resource encapsulation changes
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175385: ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator scans boot and platform modules for services
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175385: ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator scans boot and platform modules for services
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8175561: Memory churn in jimage code affects startup after resource encapsulation changes
Claes Redestad
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Vicente Romero
- Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider
Vicente Romero
- [9] Review request: JDK-8170200: Packager Redistributable Module List Unit Test
Kevin Rushforth
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Paul Sandoz
- 8173393: Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
Paul Sandoz
- Compiling classes for multi-release JAR with module-info.java
Paul Sandoz
- Remove sun.misc.Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass
Paul Sandoz
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Paul Sandoz
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Paul Sandoz
- ClassLoader.getResource("mypackageroot") fails against exploded module
Uwe Schindler
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Uwe Schindler
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Uwe Schindler
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Uwe Schindler
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
Uwe Schindler
- Automatic module names
Robert Scholte
- Automatic module names
Robert Scholte
- Automatic module names
Robert Scholte
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
Robert Scholte
- RFR: 8145337: [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Doug Simon
- RFR: 8145337: [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Doug Simon
- RFR: 8145337: [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Doug Simon
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Doug Simon
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Doug Simon
- Problem loading Truffle service providers in Graal
Doug Simon
- Problem loading Truffle service providers in Graal
Doug Simon
- Problem loading Truffle service providers in Graal
Doug Simon
- Problem loading Truffle service providers in Graal
Doug Simon
- Problem loading Truffle service providers in Graal
Doug Simon
- Extending java.base module
Volker Simonis
- Extending java.base module
Volker Simonis
- Extending java.base module
Volker Simonis
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Guillaume Smet
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Guillaume Smet
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Guillaume Smet
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Guillaume Smet
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Guillaume Smet
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Guillaume Smet
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
Guillaume Smet
- Running jaotc with an external Graal
Christian Thalinger
- Fwd: libjvm.so, jmods and --with-native-debug-symbols=internal
Bob Vandette
- Extending java.base module
Weijun Wang
- Performance of JrtFileSystemProvider.exists
Jason Zaugg
- Performance of JrtFileSystemProvider.exists
Jason Zaugg
- jigsaw and accessibility extensions
Michał Zegan
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: AccessibleObject javadoc improvements
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/langtools: Correct values for ACC_TRANSITIVE/ACC_STATIC_PHASE
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 4 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake: 6 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/corba: 5 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxp: 6 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/nashorn: 7 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: 5 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxws: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/langtools: 17 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 48 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: VerifyMethodHandles can't verify access check without lookup modes when caller is jl.Object
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: Temporarily exclude serviceability/jvmti/ModuleAwareAgents/ClassFileLoadHook/MAAClassFileLoadHook.java
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: 8171855: Move package name transformations during module bootstrap into native code
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 3 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: @ in summary treated as jtreg tag
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: More javadoc cleanup
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: More startup improvements
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: sun/net/www/protocol/jrt/WithSecurityManager.java failing
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: More javadoc cleanup
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Improve patching with exploded builds
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: More clean-up/comments
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: createModuleReader can be static
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 3 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxws: 3 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/corba: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxp: 3 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake: 19 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/langtools: 30 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/nashorn: 8 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: 94 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 54 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake: 12 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/corba: 4 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxws: 4 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/nashorn: 3 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxp: 6 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/langtools: 19 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: 22 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 48 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxp: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/corba: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxws: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/nashorn: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/langtools: 4 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 4 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake: Drop OS version from ModuleTarget
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/langtools: Drop OS version from ModuleTarget
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Drop OS version from ModuleTarget
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: Change initPhase2 to not print stack trace
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: Use -Xlog:init=debug to trigger more output from initPhase2
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxp: 8 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/corba: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/hotspot: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxws: 4 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake: 9 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/nashorn: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/langtools: 26 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 52 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Add @spec tag on additional APIs for JPMS spec
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Add AccessibleObject::canAccess and trySetAccessible
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: 2 new changesets
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jaxp: Module created dynamically should have synthetic modifier
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Module created dynamically should have synthetic modifier
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/nashorn: Module created dynamically should have synthetic modifier
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/langtools: Minor fix to jdeps per review comment
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
- How to name modules, automatic and otherwise
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Add missing @spec/@revised tags for JPMS PR
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: Remove incorrect @spec tag on ClassLoader::resources
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: jlink changes for osName, osArch and osVersion
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: jlink changes for osName, osArch and osVersion. Missed a new test library source.
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake: jlink OS_VERSION release property generated from makefile
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jigsaw/jake/jdk: jlink ExcludeVMPlugin should use ResourcePoolModule.osName()
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- Java SE JSR 250 annotations module renamed to java.xml.ws.annotation?
forax at univ-mlv.fr
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
forax at univ-mlv.fr
- sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer and jdk9/jigsaw
forax at univ-mlv.fr
Last message date:
Tue Feb 28 08:23:00 UTC 2017
Archived on: Tue Feb 28 08:23:06 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).