jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
james.connors at oracle.com
Fri Feb 10 17:03:09 UTC 2017
On 2/10/2017 11:21 AM, Jim Connors wrote:
>> Can you re-create the JAR file for scoreboard with JDK 9's jar tool
>> as a workaround for now? The reason you don't see the issue with
>> com.jtconnors.socket is that it doesn't have any concealed packages
>> and that is where jlink is tripping up.
>> -Alan
> Jim Clarke, cc:ed on these emails just did exactly that and didn't
> have any success with his attempt. I will also try the same thing.
> -- Jim C
OK, here's the moral of the story: Use the jdk9 jar utility. This works:
C:\tmp\scratch>jar --create --file scoreboard.jar --main-class
scoreboard.fx2.Main --module-version 1.0 -C scoreboard .
C:\tmp\scratch>jlink --module-path .;\Users\jtconnor\jdk-9\jmods
--add-modules scoreboard --output reducedImage --compress=2
One interesting thing though. jdeps on the scoreboard.jar file yields this:
C:\tmp\scratch>jdeps -s --module-path . scoreboard.jar
scoreboard -> com.jtconnors.socket
scoreboard -> java.base
scoreboard -> java.logging
scoreboard -> java.xml
scoreboard -> javafx.base
scoreboard -> javafx.controls
scoreboard -> javafx.graphics
scoreboard -> javafx.media
Whereas the jlink image includes additional modules:
C:\tmp\scratch>reducedImage\bin\java.exe --list-modules
java.base at 9-ea
-> java.datatransfer at 9-ea
-> java.desktop at 9-ea
java.logging at 9-ea
-> java.prefs at 9-ea
java.xml at 9-ea
javafx.base at 9-ea
javafx.controls at 9-ea
javafx.graphics at 9-ea
javafx.media at 9-ea
-> jdk.jsobject at 9-ea
scoreboard at 1.0
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