jlink RuntimeException: descriptor returns inconsistent package set
Jim Connors
james.connors at oracle.com
Fri Feb 10 17:49:14 UTC 2017
On 2/10/2017 12:43 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Can you add -R (or -recursive) to the jdeps command? That should
> reveal that javafx.graphics requires java.desktop and jdk.jsobject.
> -Alan
Like this? Still not there.
C:\tmp\scratch>jdeps -R -s --module-path . scoreboard.jar
com.jtconnors.socket -> java.base
com.jtconnors.socket -> java.logging
scoreboard -> com.jtconnors.socket
scoreboard -> java.base
scoreboard -> java.logging
scoreboard -> java.xml
scoreboard -> javafx.base
scoreboard -> javafx.controls
scoreboard -> javafx.graphics
scoreboard -> javafx.media
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