JAR searched on the classpath instead of the module path in Build #156

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Feb 12 15:33:37 UTC 2017

On 12/02/2017 13:29, Alexandru Jecan wrote:

> :
> I compile my application, create the modular JAR and then at runtime I get the error:
> Caused by: org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.internal.stax.XmlInfrastructureException: Unable to locate schema [org/hibernate/jpa/orm_2_0.xsd] via classpath
> Could you please tell me, why does it search for the JAR on the classpath since I moved the JAR to automatic modules ?
> I have run using the –classpath and the –module-path options at the same time.
> After that I took an older Jigsaw build (#141 and also #142).
> I performed exactly the same steps and it works perfectly. The error from above is not displayed any more.
There are >1500 changes in builds 143-156. Is there any way that you can 
bisect this and track down the first build where you see a problem? The 
exception hints of something involving JAXB and a XML schema file. You 
don't say if you are using the java.xml.bind module or the standalone 
JAXB on the class path. In this area, I note that there was a big 
refresh of JAXB from the upstream Metro project in jdk-9+146. In 
addition, there was a change to the Xalan serializer in jdk-9+150 that 
have brought several regressions and bug reports, the fixes for all 
issues aren't in JDK 9 yet. So anything to narrow this down would be good.


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