RFR: 8175026: Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Thu Feb 16 21:24:28 UTC 2017

One more thing: the warning message should be in plugin.properties
to be localized.


> On Feb 16, 2017, at 12:04 PM, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 16, 2017, at 5:20 AM, Claes Redestad <claes.redestad at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> In addition, if the main argument is specified but the version does not match, it will ignore the given argument.  Should it be an error instead?  We are the one who will generate a trace file and specify it in the jlink plugin option.  It’s okay to ignore the default trace output if no plugin option is specified and I think no warning should be printed in this case.  It’s just like this plugin is disabled.  You may want to add a suboption to turn on verbose that will trace what is generated and what is ignored.
>> I think a warning is reasonable in all cases: Using a different version of jlink than the java.base you're linking will lose some optimizations and the user would be none the wiser as to why, verbosity helps avoid surprises.
> The plugin is enabled by default.  With this change, I consider
> this plugin is "auto-enabled" when it’s creating the image of
> the version that this plugin supports (i.e. matching major.minor
> version).
> So if the —generate-jli-classes option is not specified, it might
> be confusing when I get this warning.  I would prefer in this case
> no warning should be emitted and the plugin is not enabled.
> If the option is specified on the command-line, it should emit
> the warning.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8175026/jdk.02/
> 322         if (!initialize(in)) {
> Maybe refactor line 175-190 in a new method and something like this:
>   if (!checkVersion(getLinkedVersion(in)))
>       :
>   }
> Then follow with initialize(in) here.  That’d make it explicit.
> One thing to handle is when exception is thrown when reading
> the trace file (default or mainArgument). Maybe that part can
> be done early in configure method and store the lines for later
> consumption.
> line 235-238: you may use orThrow in this case.
> Mandy

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