Java 9 EA 169 Webstart NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/ws/Service

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue May 16 10:14:37 UTC 2017

On 16/05/2017 09:49, Reto Merz wrote:

> Thanks Alan.
> Wouldn't it make sense to add all modules by default in Java 9 in case of Webstart and print
> a warning to the Webstart console the first time a future non-default module is accessed
> with the message that the JNLP must be extended with a --add-modules=moduleXY in Java 10?
> So all the Webstart app devs would get more time to adjust the JNLP to support Java9/10.
The proposal in JSR 379 is and the other modules that 
overlap with EE be deprecated (forRemoval=true) so that we can drop them 
from Java SE in a future release (hopefully 10 if the JSR for Java SE 10 

So I think Java Web Start is right to align with the policy for 
applications launched on the command line.


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