Attaching to a JVM image that does not include java.instrument

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri May 19 16:02:08 UTC 2017

On 19/05/2017 16:42, Christoph Engelbert wrote:

> Hey,
> Just a clarification question, does that mean no agent like dynatrace, appdynamics or others would work anymore with a normal jlinked image, when `java.instrument` is specifically added as a dependency?
Just to avoid any confusion here: The Oracle JDK downloads include all 
modules, also the server VM with JVM TI. So there shouldn't be any 
issues. Same thing for anyone building from the OpenJDK sources.

The issue that we discussing here is runtime images created with the 
`jlink` tool. It's up to the user of `jlink` as to which modules to 
include and also the VM variants to include. If the user specifies 
`java.instrument` to jlink then it will be linked in and should just work.


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