Review Request: JMC-5996: License text not displayed when installing JMC plugins

Klara Ward klara.ward at
Wed Jun 13 06:30:38 UTC 2018

Ola might not read this, I think JMC-5859 has his findings. I don’t remember him figuring out why Tycho had made this change, or what they recommend doing instead.

One workaround would be to not build on Windows, but that feels very limiting.
Another would be to somehow patch the manifest after the Tycho build....

// Klara

> 12 juni 2018 kl. 16:04 skrev Guru <guru.hb at>:
> Yes, I tried with 1.2.0 as well and getting the same compilation failure.
> @Ola, Do suggest if you have pointer for this failure (Compiling JMC with Tyco 1.1.0 or with 1.2.0.
> Thanks,
> Guru
>> On 12-Jun-2018, at 3:30 PM, Klara Ward <klara.ward at> wrote:
>> I believe Ola tried to find a solution for this, but never had the time to solve it.
>> Did you try Tycho 1.2.0 which seems to be released in May.
>> // Klara
>>> On 2018-06-12 11:42, Guru wrote:
>>> Yes, I observed the compilation failure on Windows (though Mac it works i.e compilation and works as expected).
>>> "[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plugin:1.2.0:compile (default-compile) on project org.openjdk.jmc.javafx.osgi: Fatal error compiling: Illegal char <:> at index 74: D:\ade\jmc-releng-dev\jmc\application\org.openjdk.jmc.javafx.osgi\external:$java.home$\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar -> [Help 1]”.
>>> Same for Tyco 1.1.0 as well..
>>> Thanks,
>>> Guru
>>>> On 12-Jun-2018, at 2:59 PM, Klara Ward <klara.ward at> wrote:
>>>> Hi Guru,
>>>> Did you see the javafx classpath issue caused by upgrading to Tycho
>>>> 1.1.0 in
>>>> Is that resolved now?
>>>> // Klara
>>>>> On 2018-06-05 19:25, Guru wrote:
>>>>> Hi Klara,
>>>>> Thanks for your suggestion and Please review the fix for 
>>>>> JBS :
>>>>> Webrev :
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Solution : Updated the Tyco version from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.
>>>>> Test : Verified the License property generated in ‘content.xml’ and
>>>>> also observed the License dialog prompted while installing the updates.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Guru

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