Tonight's meeting (also, the JMC agent)

Miro Wengner miro.wengner at
Thu Nov 8 11:53:56 UTC 2018

Hi Marcus and All 
thank you for a great meeting ! 

Kind Regards, 

> On Nov 7, 2018, at 8:31 PM, Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for the great meeting tonight regarding JMC 7. It was great to hear so
> many willing to contribute to making sure that we release this first open
> source version of Mission Control on time. It was also great to hear so much
> interest in the JMC agent. With an expert like Andrew on the team, this will
> no doubt become a powerful and efficient tool!
> For JMC 7, I used the following dashboard to see the current status:
> If anyone gets stuck, please ping me on the IRC and I'll try to help getting
> you unstuck. :) The next two iterations are important.
> Regarding the agent, I started jotting down some thoughts and comments on the 
> JMC wiki here:
> Over the next few days, I'll try to find some time to remove the things that 
> shouldn't be in it. ;)
> Kind regards,
> Marcus

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