JMC - 6173: feedback

Jie Kang jkang at
Fri May 17 14:03:29 UTC 2019

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 9:27 AM Carmine Vincenzo Russo
<carusso at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking at the issue JMC-6173[0].
> In the comments section, Erik talks of file changes between JMC 4 and JMC
> 5.5 (OpenFile in rcp.application plugin), is it possible to see those
> changes anywhere? Just to get a better sense of what has changed and how
> this issue can be resolved.
> If you have any feedback or suggestion I would much appreciate it.

I think those are both proprietary versions so it's unlikely the code
and commit history will be available. Can JMC-6173 be reproduced with
current upstream? I remember reading something likes this before but
it wasn't an issue anymore.


> Thanks,
> Carmine
> [0]
> --
> Carmine Vincenzo Russo

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