RFR: 7455: Add support for jolokia JMX service connection [v11]

Alex Macdonald aptmac at openjdk.org
Thu May 2 18:20:16 UTC 2024

On Fri, 29 Mar 2024 18:55:18 GMT, Alex Macdonald <aptmac at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Any chance to see this feature in the next release ?
>> This would be included in the next release when it's available, version 9.X.0
>> @aptmac : I have now upgraded to the latest version of Jolokia (whole new stream) , to make it easier to take advantage of upstream dependencies. In the process I was not able to get the discovery mechanism in as an OSGi dependency, however I felt it was better to cut scope and focus on the basics.
>> Would you be able to help me look at coverage support? If that is in place, then I think I can mark it as ready for review again. I have been clicking around the different
> Sounds good, I'll re-run this PR again next week and post back about the coverage and/or anything else that comes up.

> @aptmac : Did you get any time to look at it? I could have a crack at the coverage tests myself, if I could get some pointers or be directed to some doc. Primarily: What is the best way to run the coverage tests?

Ah, no I hadn't found the time to look at it. I tried giving it a run but I seem to be running into some issues running the jolokia-jvm jar, I'll try to check it out again next week. 

For the test coverage, you'll have to use the coverage maven profile to run it, so it'll be:
`mvn clean verify -P coverage`

and then the coverage report will be in jmc/application/coverage.

In order for the jolokia test coverage to be included both `org.openjdk.jmc.jolokia` and `org.openjdk.jmc.jolokia.test` will need to be added to the coverage pom.xml. 

`org.openjdk.jmc.jolokia` under here: https://github.com/openjdk/jmc/blob/master/application/coverage/pom.xml#L54, and `org.openjdk.jmc.jolokia.test` under here: https://github.com/openjdk/jmc/blob/master/application/coverage/pom.xml#L353, and then hopefully the coverage report should work using the maven profile.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jmc/pull/548#issuecomment-2067142723

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