DTraceAsmProfiler: IllegalStateException: Non-zero error code from dtrace: 1

Evgeny Mandrikov mandrikov at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 23:39:17 UTC 2022


I would like to investigate the issue, luckily I have a pretty similar OS X
> setup.
> The problem is -- I cannot build your project as it requires unpublished to
> sonatype javapoet-maven-plugin.

FWIW I tried to do the same and ran into the same issue, however
after addition to


was able to build it using

mvn package -Dversion.javapoet-maven-plugin=1.0.5-SNAPSHOT

after which succeeded to execute 10 times without IllegalStateException

java -jar string-format-benchmarks/target/benchmarks.jar fastFormatStatic
-prof dtraceasm

on macOS Monterey on two machines - on MacBook Pro 2019 and on MacBook M1
MacBook ProMax.


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