JOL Hotspot SA Support and Compressed References Implementation

Aleksey Shipilev aleksey.shipilev at
Tue Jan 13 09:54:54 UTC 2015

On 01/13/2015 12:55 AM, Serkan ÖZAL wrote:
> Hi Aleksey,
> I have just updated my patch as your suggestions. I hope it is OK.
> Waiting for your feedbacks.
> 3rd (latest) version of patch is attached to mail.


 * Still, Javadoc failures when building.

 * HS_SA_Support: sudo autodetection scheme is broken: you expect
ProcessAttachFailedException, but getting it wrapped in RuntimeException
instead. That's also why it prints "null":
 "Initial Hotspot SA process attach check failed (null) So skipping
Hotspot SA support ..."

 * It would make sense to steal FileUtils.safelyClose from JMH:

 * I thought you better to return HS_SA_Result from execute* methods,
not blank Serializable. Also, it may make sense to check the types
before downcasting.

Otherwise, it looks very good. I would need to do some deeper reading
and testing of VMSupport changes before commit.


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