Article on JPMS integration with existing module systems

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Thu Oct 20 21:22:10 UTC 2016

2016/10/20 12:33:11 -0700, Thomas Watson <tjwatson at>:
>> From: mark.reinhold at
>> That's all a bit clunky, however, and we could make it
>> easier, so for the record I'll enter a new issue:
>>  #ReadabilityAddedByLayerCreator -- Provide a means by which the code
>>  that creates a layer can add readability edges from the modules in that
>>  layer to other modules, whether those modules are in that layer or in
>>  other layers.
>> This is a narrower form of the existing #MutableConfigurations issue [2].
>> It could be easier to implement, however, so I'll enter it separately as
>>  #DiscardableModules -- Provide a means by which a sub-graph of modules
>>  within a layer can be discarded, so that both those modules and their
>>  class loaders can be reclaimed.
> I don't see these two issues included yet in 
> I assume they simply haven't been added yet?

Correct.  Will update soon.

- Mark

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