Dynamic modules and bidirectional interoperation
Thomas Watson
tjwatson at us.ibm.com
Wed Oct 26 16:32:42 UTC 2016
> >
> > 1) Any OSGi dependencies that influence class loader delegation will
> > be declared in the ModuleDescriptors which represent the OSGi bundle
> > wirings. Instead we will depend on the ability to
> > #ReadabilityAddedByLayerCreator to wire up the modules within the
> > Layer according to OSGi resolution rules. It has a drawback if there
> > cases where some system code is trying to reason about modular
> > dependencies by using the JPMS module API. I think this will have to
> > acceptable because I don't think we will be able to fully converge on
> > the possible dependency types available in the existing module
> > For example, OSGi has Require-Bundle which maps closing to JPMS
> > but OSGi also has Import-Package dependencies which cannot be mapped
> > properly into JMPS module Layers.
> If by "system code" you mean code in the JDK itself, I don't think this
> will be a big problem at run time. Except for diagnostic purposes,
> module descriptors are really only interpreted during resolution and
> configuration. All other run-time reasoning about module readability
> is based upon the reads edges in the module graph as reported by the
> `java.lang.reflect.Module::canRead` method, and that will include any
> reads edges that you add to support bundle wirings.
Here I am using "system code" in the general sense, but I think any
"system code" that cares about wiring will need to pay attention to
Module::canRead like you suggest. I can think of a few frameworks that
care about how modules are wired up at runtime. For example, in OSGi we
have the extender pattern. Without going into much detail here, basically
an extender implementation module will only act on extendee modules which
are wired to the extender module. If such a pattern exists using JPMS
then the "system code" would be the extender implementation.
> > 2) I assume #NonHierarchicalLayers will be restricted to form a
> > acyclic graph.
> Yes.
> > As such I assume each node in the graph of Layers
would be
> > visited only once when resolving new Layers on top even if there are
> > multiple paths to the layer from the new Layer being resolved.
> Yes.
The motivation for my question was to ask some follow-ons.
Will there will be a specified order in which the nodes are traversed when
there are multiple paths to a node?
More specifically will the parents have a specified order in which they
are delegated to?
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