Module-system requirements, draft 2

Mark Reinhold mark.reinhold at
Wed Mar 25 22:52:12 UTC 2015

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions.  I've posted draft 2 of the
requirements document, here:

If you'd like to comment on the text in-line, the Markdown source is

If you do that then please quote just the text upon which you're
commenting, rather than the entire document.

This draft incorporates the revisions and additional requirements we've
discussed.  Some of the wording is slightly different, so as to fit
better into the overall document.  I made three non-trivial changes:

  - I rewrote the new "Annotation indices" requirement to be more
    abstract; it's now titled "Efficient annotation detection", but the
    intent is the same.

  - I renamed the new "Access to class files and resources" requirement
    to "Readable artifacts" in order to avoid confusion with the use of
    the term "access" in other requirements, where it refers to access

  - The "Upgradeable modules" requirement was too restrictive; I rewrote
    it to no longer require the replacing module to be binary-compatible
    and from the same platform implementation.

(Thanks to Alex Buckley, who suggested these improvements.)

I'd like to finalize the requirements by this time next week, so please
send any final comments by 23:00 UTC next Wednesday, 1 April (no joke!).
Silence will be interpreted as assent.

- Mark

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