Discussion: #LazyConfigurationAndInstantiation

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Wed Jul 13 14:31:13 UTC 2016

Reference: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/issues/#LazyConfigurationAndInstantiation

2016/3/11 13:55:56 -0800, david.lloyd at redhat.com:
> On 03/11/2016 11:47 AM, mark.reinhold at oracle.com wrote:
>> 2016/3/2 19:22 -0800, david.lloyd at redhat.com:
>>> It looks as though the instantiation of a Layer causes a complete load
>>> of all the modules in the layer.
>> What do you mean by "complete load"?  Loading all the classes?
> No I mean locating and loading all of the descriptors and building all 
> the wiring information for every module.

Yes, that's what happens.  Resolving a Configuration requires reading all
of the relevant module descriptors.  Instantiating a Configuration into a
Layer builds a complete run-time module graph.  Both of these operations
are linear in the number of modules in the graph.

>>>                                   Apart from the consequent lack of
>>> dynamicism, I think this is very likely to cause problems for large
>>> applications, particularly if such an application might have many
>>> operation modes, some of which do not require *all* of the bundled
>>> modules to be loaded every single time.
>>> Can there not instead be an incremental resolution algorithm, akin to
>>> how classes are lazily loaded?
>> Configuring a set of modules and instantiating that configuration as a
>> layer requires no more than reading the modules' descriptors.  Nothing
>> else from any module definition will be read until it's actually needed.
> But it does require that all the module descriptors from a given layer 
> be available, and that the load time for the first load of a module in a 
> layer will always be bounded by the size of the layer, rather than just 
> by the dependency subgraph of the module being loaded.


>                                                         Based on 
> application server deployments that I know about, I think the far upper 
> bound for a realistic number of modules in a layer will probably lie in 
> the thousands to ten thousands range (though there is always the outlier 
> case where someone has to push it to see how far it goes...), which 
> might translate into a substantial startup overhead.

In our experience with the prototype so far, the time required to resolve
a Configuration and instantiate it as a Layer is dominated by the time
required to locate and read module descriptors, typically from inside
individual artifacts in the filesystem.

One fairly straightforward way to speed that up is to link your modules
into a custom run-time image, so that the descriptors are all in one
optimized artifact [1].  If that's not feasible then you could achieve
much the same effect in the build, installation, or startup process of a
large application: Construct an optimized cache of the descriptors of all
your modules, and use a custom ModuleFinder to load the descriptors from
the cache but other module content from more-traditional artifacts.

>                                                       Another potential 
> issue is requiring that all modules be present, though this is more 
> closely related to #MutableConfigurations now I think; I suspect this 
> issue could be mitigated with an acceptable solution to that issue.

As I wrote in my reply re. #MutableConfigurations [2], I think this
approach is at odds with our goal to provide reliable configuration.

>> If you really want to avoid configuring all modules in certain operation
>> modes, do layers not provide sufficient flexibility?  Load the core of
>> your application into the boot layer, figure out which modules you need
>> for the requested operation mode, and then create an additional layer to
>> load those modules.
> That can work in some cases, but only if things are loaded one 
> additional time (rather than on-demand as configuration changes, for 
> example) or in such a way that you could just keep adding layers.  But 
> in the event of one large intermeshed layer, this won't work without 
> #MutableConfigurations and/or #NonHierarchicalLayers and something to 
> coordinate the load.

Suppose that we allow #NonHierarchicalLayers [3].  Are there realistic
use cases in which layers would not then provide sufficient flexibility?

- Mark

[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/282
[2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jpms-spec-experts/2016-July/000359.html
[3] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/issues/#NonHierarchicalLayers

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