Discussion: #MutableConfigurations

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Thu Jul 14 17:44:34 UTC 2016

2016/7/14 4:05:52 -0700, alan.bateman at oracle.com:
> The proposed module system was never meant to be a dynamic module system 
> where modules in a graph of modules (module layer) could be GC'ed and 
> re-instantiated individually. That's a different design.

This is probably what you meant, but just to be crystal clear: The
present design does not support the release and re-instantiation of an
arbitrary layer of modules, but it most definitely supports the release
and re-instantiation of any leaf layer, i.e., layers upon which no other
layers depend.  That's how we support all the dynamic-configuration
requirements [1].

- Mark

[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/reqs/#dynamic-configuration

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