JPMS (JSR 376) EG video conference: Thursday 18 May, 15:00 UTC

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Wed May 17 16:49:22 UTC 2017

2017/5/17 5:17:45 -0700, tim_ellison at
> Thanks Mark.  The proposed time works for me.
> FWIW I don't think it is necessary to shut down the alternate EG
> communication channels.  I believe we'll made good progress on the calls
> and will naturally use the other channels to summarize that discussion
> and provide supporting materials for posterity.

My request that EG members refrain from participating in public fora
until these meetings are over is in response to the suggestion made by
some JCP EC members that direct discussions amongst EG members will be
more productive than indirect discussions via public e-mail messages,
articles, and blog entries.  EG members are of course free to discuss
JPMS and Java SE 9 issues as needed on a private basis with colleagues,
users, and customers, and to discuss unrelated topics publicly.

These meetings will themselves be private, but to ensure transparency
I will ask a colleague to listen in and take detailed minutes.  I will
post those minutes to the public EG list promptly, as soon as they are
reviewed and approved by all meeting participants.

- Mark

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