JPMS (JSR 376) EG video conference: Thursday 18 May, 15:00 UTC

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at
Wed May 17 18:33:50 UTC 2017

On 05/17/2017 01:18 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> 2017/5/17 7:03:01 -0700, david.lloyd at
>> On 05/16/2017 09:45 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
>>> ...
>>> In order to preserve the integrity of our discussions, these meetings
>>> should be the sole channel for EG communication once they begin.  The
>>> jpms-spec-experts list will therefore be closed except for the posting
>>> of the minutes of each meeting and for updates to the issue list and
>>> the draft Specification as may be agreed during these meetings.  All EG
>>> members will be asked to refrain from posting to other public fora such
>>> as, e.g., the jigsaw-dev list, until this series of meetings is over.
>> I do not think this is necessary, helpful, or even possible.  For
>> various reasons, not the least of which is the fundamental obligation of
>> EG and EC members to do so, Red Hat continuously engages with our
>> community and customers on this and many other issues, sometimes in
>> public, and must continue to do so.  In addition, public communications
>> are essential for researching the kinds of technical issues we face,
>> which will no doubt be necessary as these meetings progress.  EG members
>> must have the latitude to perform such research and solicit opinions,
>> ideas, and feedback from the community.
> As I wrote in my reply to Tim nearby, my request that EG members refrain
> from participating in public fora is in response to the suggestion made
> by some JCP EC members that direct discussions amongst EG members will
> be more productive than indirect discussions via public e-mail messages,
> articles, and blog entries.  EG members are of course free to discuss
> JPMS and Java SE 9 issues as needed on a private basis with colleagues,
> users, and customers, and to discuss unrelated topics publicly.
> If you cannot agree to this request then as an alternative, and if
> everyone else who wants to participate agrees, we could hold a single
> marathon meeting starting at 15:00 UTC any day this week or next.
> What is your preference?

Please allow me to clarify what you are asking.

Are you saying that, from this moment forward, no technical discussion 
about JPMS or Java SE 9 will allowed, under threat of effective eviction 
from the EG, by any EG member (including Oracle) or any of their 
(possibly thousands of) employees, in any public forum?  Or are you 
merely talking about the experts and not their coworkers?

What about technical questions?  Bug reports?  Hey I found a typo in


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