JPMS (JSR 376) EG video conference: Thursday 18 May, 15:00 UTC

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Wed May 17 20:18:40 UTC 2017

2017/5/17 11:33:50 -0700, david.lloyd at
> On 05/17/2017 01:18 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
>> ...
>> As I wrote in my reply to Tim nearby, my request that EG members refrain
>> from participating in public fora is in response to the suggestion made
>> by some JCP EC members that direct discussions amongst EG members will
>> be more productive than indirect discussions via public e-mail messages,
>> articles, and blog entries.  EG members are of course free to discuss
>> JPMS and Java SE 9 issues as needed on a private basis with colleagues,
>> users, and customers, and to discuss unrelated topics publicly.
>> If you cannot agree to this request then as an alternative, and if
>> everyone else who wants to participate agrees, we could hold a single
>> marathon meeting starting at 15:00 UTC any day this week or next.
>> What is your preference?
> Please allow me to clarify what you are asking.
> Are you saying that, from this moment forward, no technical discussion 
> about JPMS or Java SE 9 will allowed, under threat of effective eviction 
> from the EG, by any EG member (including Oracle) or any of their 
> (possibly thousands of) employees, in any public forum?  Or are you 
> merely talking about the experts and not their coworkers?

I don't see much point in trying to negotiate legalistic rules around
all of this.

I'm simply asking that, in the spirit of the suggestion made by members
of the JCP EC, members of this EG and their colleagues exercise good
professional judgement.  Let's limit our discussions to these meetings
for the duration, rather than to a confusing mix of private meetings and
public e-mail messages, and let's agree not to attempt to influence the
discussions from outside via public channels.

- Mark

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