Method calls vs lambda calls

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at
Wed Dec 16 04:50:19 PST 2009

Answers inline below

2009/12/15 Neal Gafter <neal at>:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 7:11 AM, Howard Lovatt <howard.lovatt at>
> wrote:
>> I remain to be convinced that method references are a good idea, since
>> they pull Java much further towards structural typing than at present
>> and this will be very confusing for people to be presented with two
>> type systems.
> I don't know what this argument has to do about method references (are you
> talking about function types?),

Yes, my mistake I meant to say function types

> but your argument makes no sense.  They're a
> good idea because they will confuse people?  Huh?

I think you might have misread what I said, I said "I *remain* to be
convinced ... since ... this will be very confusing". Your confusion
was probably caused by my mistake of saying method references - sorry.

To spell this out I think that *function types* are a bad idea because
they will confuse people. People will be confused because they are
structurally typed, whereas as the rest (well most) of Java is
nominally typed.

>> That desirability point aside, the technical issue of what name space
>> a function type should be in can be resolved by putting a function
>> type in both the method and the field/variable name spaces.
> Function types are anonymous, and so don't need to go in any namespace.  Do
> you mean a variable of function type?

Yes, I had assumed that was apparent from the context of the
discussion - that is what the thread is about. This discussion in the
thread is centered on how you get the following to work:

#int() fortyTwo = #int() (42);
out.println( fortyTwo ); // prints something like
Function_intATSomeAddress (I used AT instead of an At symbol because
of pipermail)
out.println( fortyTwo() ); // prints 42

>> Actually there are still some rough edges since methods are
>> dynamically resolved and fields aren't. You can paper over this
>> difference a little by saying that function types can't be hidden.
> What do you mean: hiding triggers an error (that would make code very
> fragile, especially where the hidden name isn't even used)?  Or that the
> name isn't hidden?

If you allow function-type variables to be hidden (static case) or
shadowed (instance case) then it can be very confusing, e.g.:

class FortyOne {
  int f() { return 41; }
  #int() ft = #int() (41);
class FortyTwo extends FortyOne {
  int f() { return 42; }
  #int() ft = #int() (42);
FortyOne aFortyTWO = new FortyTwo();
out.println( aFortyTWO.f() ); // prints 42
out.println( aFortyTWO.ft() ); // prints 41!!!

To prevent the above confusion you could say that function-type
variables cannot be hidden/shadowed then this makes the above example
an error, on the other hand it isn't very Java like. The other options

1. The FCM solution of requiring call, e.g.
2. Introduce properties and say that function types can only be used
as a property (a much bigger change and odd that function types can
only be a property)
3. Only allow the non-call syntax, e.g. aFortyTWO.ft(), if there is no
method called ft and if ft hasn't been shadowed or hidden by another
field/local (again, not very Java like)
4. Don't allow function types at all - my favorite!


 -- Howard.

> Cheers,
> Neal
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  -- Howard.

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