Method calls vs lambda calls

Stefan Schulz schulz at
Wed Dec 16 05:03:28 PST 2009

Howard Lovatt wrote:
> If you allow function-type variables to be hidden (static case) or
> shadowed (instance case) then it can be very confusing, e.g.:
> class FortyOne {
>    int f() { return 41; }
>    #int() ft = #int() (41);
> }
> class FortyTwo extends FortyOne {
>    int f() { return 42; }
>    #int() ft = #int() (42);
> }
> FortyOne aFortyTWO = new FortyTwo();
> out.println( aFortyTWO.f() ); // prints 42
> out.println( aFortyTWO.ft() ); // prints 41!!!

If function-typed variables are in the method name scope, why should not 
ft be overridden in the same way that f is overridden?


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