A reminder of Project Lambda's scope

Neal Gafter neal at gafter.com
Wed Apr 14 07:50:20 PDT 2010

jdk8 most likely.  At some time additions to jdk7 have to stop in order to
ship something.  The "feature complete" date is rapidly approaching.

It looks like the spec's "lambda conversion" will allow interoperability
with existing APIs that use SAM interfaces, so clients can begin using
lambda expressions with existing APIs.  ParallelArray is not currently
planned for jdk7 (which I think is a good thing, as the API needs to
mature).  The release of jdk7 with function types and extension methods will
enable the development of third-party APIs that use the new features and are
candidates for a future Java SE.

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Serge Boulay <serge.boulay at gmail.com>wrote:

> As in JDK 8 or a later release in JDK 7?
> I don't think any change is necessary.  New APIs that accept function types
>> can be added later.

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