2cents from an ordinary Java developer

Mark Mahieu markmahieu at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 2 23:36:39 PST 2010

On 3 Feb 2010, at 06:35, Neal Gafter wrote:
> The ordinary Java programmers of today are not ordinary programmers
> from a point of view 5-10 years ago.

Neither is the code they work on.  My, how the boilerplate hath grown...

> As our languages change, so does
> our sense of common and ordinary.

That's very true, and in more ways than one.

5 years ago the team I was working within contained very few programmers with any real experience using a language other than Java.  About 2 years ago many of them were spending some of their time in Ruby-land *.  As of about a year ago, we have Ruby programmers on the team who have never worked with Java (or they won't admit to having done so, I'm never quite sure).


* often their first exposure to lambdas, with "why on earth can't I just write it like that in Java?" being [a polite version of] the typical reaction.

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