yet another function types syntax variation

Zdenek Tronicek tronicek at
Tue Feb 9 05:05:58 PST 2010

Peter Levart napsal(a):
> What would happen if the '#' and 'ReturnType' changed places?
> FunctionType:
>     ReturnType '#' '(' ParameterTypes_opt ')' Throws_opt
> Nested return types might look better:
> ##int(byte[],int,int)(throws IOException)(File)(throws IOException)
> vs.
> int #(byte[],int,int) throws IOException #(File) throws IOException

My subjective opinion is: it does not look better. Why? I am reading the
line from left to right. If I see ## I know that the return type is
function. In your proposal, I have to read all "int #(byte[],int,int)
throws IOException" until I get to know that it is return type.

Zdenek Tronicek
FIT CTU in Prague

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