yet another function types syntax variation

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Tue Feb 9 03:04:32 PST 2010

On Tuesday 09 February 2010 10:45:33 Peter Levart wrote:
> int #(byte[],int,int) throws IOException #(File) throws IOException

...when such (nested) type is the result type of a method:

public static  int #(byte[],int,int) throws IOException #(File) throws IOException filer(int mode) throws IllegalArgumentException {

the sequence continues with similar pattern where '#' is finally replaced with method name. IDEs might reformat such cases like this:

public static
        #(byte[],int,int) throws IOException 
            #(File) throws IOException
                filer(int mode) throws IllegalArgumentException 

to improve visual clearness.


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