Project Lambda: Java Language Specification draft
Mark Thornton
mthornton at
Sun Jan 24 12:59:03 PST 2010
Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein wrote:
> Em 24/01/2010 16:45, Mark Thornton escreveu:
>> Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> #()( {1,2,3} ) // Proposed collection literal expression from Coin
>>> Well, without parentheses the above example shows why the proposed collection literal expression
>>> syntax is inappropriate. That syntax is reserved for statements - expressions should not mess
>>> with it. Without mandatory parentheses, this is ambiguous:
>>> #() {}
>>> this an expression lambda returning empty collection or a statement lambda returning void?
>> Unfortunately Java already has array initialisation using {}, so the
>> syntax clearly isn't reserved just for statements. I think that existing
>> use for array initialisation was one of the reasons for using {} in
>> collection literals instead of [].
> The collection literals proposal is already underwhelming IMHO, because
> it boils down to sugar over the Collections.unmodifiableXxx() APIs. We
I partly agree. For lists and sets something like this
public CollectionLiterals {
<T> public static List<T> list(T... e) {...}
used with static import is almost as brief. Maps though are more
annoying to initialise. The best I can manage with existing Java
public CollectionLiterals {
public static <K,V> MapBuilder<K,V> mapOf(K key, V value) {...}
public static interface MapBuilder<K, V> {
MapBuilder<K,V> and(K key, V value);
Map<K,V> create();
mapOf(a,b).and(c,d) ... .create();
However I have managed a StackOverflow in javac with code like this :-(.
Now if there was a short way of creating tuples so that
public static <K,V> Map<K,V> mapOf(Map.Entry<K,V> ... entries) {}
could be used like
mapOf((a,b), (c,d), ...)
preferably without so many parentheses.
> concrete implementations for these collections. While higher-level langs
> may contain multiple implementations of some collection and
> automatically pick or change the optimal impl for each situation (even
Easier to do with functional style where changing the implementation,
when a value or mapping is added or removed, presents no problem.
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