Project Lambda: Java Language Specification draft
Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein
opinali at
Sun Jan 24 13:53:24 PST 2010
Em 24/01/2010 18:59, Mark Thornton escreveu:
> Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein wrote:
>> The collection literals proposal is already underwhelming IMHO,
>> because it boils down to sugar over the Collections.unmodifiableXxx()
>> APIs. We
> I partly agree. For lists and sets something like this
> public CollectionLiterals {
> <T> public static List<T> list(T... e) {...}
> }
> used with static import is almost as brief. Maps though are more
> annoying to initialise. The best I can manage with existing Java
These idioms (like Builder / fluent interfaces) are stuff I won't touch
with a 10-foot pole. You are forced to allocate at least one extra
object (a Builder), so there's extra overhead unless you rely on
optimizations like escape analysis + scalar replacement. I don't like
the language/library design of "let's ignore performance, make a mess,
and pray our advanced JIT compiler will clean it up". This often fails,
remarkably for client-side code that must run on the less featured VMs
like HotSpot Client; startup/warmup time is another issue even for the
top JITs. On top of that, even a good fluent interface is pathetic wrt
readability if compared to proper language-level syntax. I prefer to
completely ignore this technique/trend and just write a full page of
add() or put() calls. </rant - don't take it personally>
Tuples could be even worse, because now we're allocating one temp object
per entry; now your runtime performance will certainly suffer miserably
if these tuples are not optimized out (granted, that's more likely if
tuples are added as "lightweight" headerless objects, which is something
MLVM people are researching).
It can be argued that the performance of literal collections is not very
important because such collections are typically very small - people
don't populate a million-element Map with literal code, right? This is a
good general assumption, but there are important exceptions like
machine-generated code (e.g. parsers) which often contains enormous
datasets encoded as initialized variables. This remembers me of another
RFE that I never lose an opportunity to remember: the classfile format's
poor constant pool - you cannot encode a populated array, or an object
that allows compile-time construction (e.g. "new Point(0,0)" -
constructor only assigns to fields and is called with compile-time
literals). Such initializations are supported by VERY bulky bytecode,
that's initialized at class-init time or construction time, when ideally
they could just be memcpy'd from the constant pool (or even mmapped,
with something like the CDS).
> public CollectionLiterals {
> public static <K,V> MapBuilder<K,V> mapOf(K key, V value) {...}
> }
> public static interface MapBuilder<K, V> {
> MapBuilder<K,V> and(K key, V value);
> Map<K,V> create();
> }
> Giving
> mapOf(a,b).and(c,d) ... .create();
> However I have managed a StackOverflow in javac with code like this :-(.
> Now if there was a short way of creating tuples so that
> public static <K,V> Map<K,V> mapOf(Map.Entry<K,V> ... entries) {}
> could be used like
> mapOf((a,b), (c,d), ...)
> preferably without so many parentheses.
>> concrete implementations for these collections. While higher-level
>> langs may contain multiple implementations of some collection and
>> automatically pick or change the optimal impl for each situation (even
> Easier to do with functional style where changing the implementation,
> when a value or mapping is added or removed, presents no problem.
> Mark
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