A syntax option (function types versus arrays)

Neal Gafter neal at gafter.com
Tue Mar 2 07:43:39 PST 2010

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Peter Levart <peter.levart at marand.si> wrote:
> Oops, this would make an ambiguous syntax:
>        (->void) lambda = (->void);
> Or is this still unambiguous since type and expression appear in different contexts?

Yes, exactly.  There are some interesting cases for the parser.

o  A simple identifier X is ambiguous between a function type and a lambda.
o  Something of the form {->X} is ambiguous between a function type
and a lambda whenever X is also.

So {->{->{->X}}} is ambiguous between a function type and a lambda.

This is the state of BGGA 0.5 and the BGGA compiler has no trouble
disambiguating during parsing.


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