
Gernot Neppert mcnepp02 at
Tue Mar 30 23:28:33 PDT 2010

Hmm, stating that discussions on a public mailing list are "somewhat
futile" is, with due respect, somewhat futile!
Shall we cease to discuss the lambda proposal in its entirety, or just
refrain from questioning certain aspects that you choose to decide on?

BTW, it seems to me that many of those contributing to this discussion
here can be considered "experts" on the topic. Thus, the prospective
members of the "real" Expert Group would be well advised to consult
this mailing list...

2010/3/29 Alex Buckley <alex.buckley at>:
> The draft spec in the OpenJDK Lambda project will continue to avoid
> 'new' in the denotation of a lambda expression.
> Let me remind everyone that a spec from this project is likely to be
> merely a starting point for a JSR Expert Group. The Expert Group members
> may or may not review the mailing list archives of this project, so
> endless syntax discussions here are somewhat futile.

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