Defender methods and compatibility

Nathan Bryant nathan.bryant at
Mon Nov 29 16:54:33 PST 2010


Perhaps you raise a good point. If the method one() is supposed to be implemented in terms of the existing interface A or B, does it really make sense in many/any cases to erase the type of that interface down to Object. Seems like this can lead to confusing API design with little clear benefit. If A/B want to specify the same default and yet they have no common superinterface, this seems like a strong signal that a new superinterface should be added.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Bryant 
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 7:48 PM
To: 'Rémi Forax'; lambda-dev at
Subject: RE: Defender methods and compatibility

Rémi wrote: 
> But here the default method of A::get is and
> the default method of B::get is
> It's not the same method.

> Rémi

It could be I guess.

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