Defender methods and compatibility
Robert Field
robert.field at
Mon Nov 29 20:17:27 PST 2010
hmmm..., there are a couple of related branch topics (method body
location, use-site); Sticking with source compatibility...
Assuming a user class X:
class X implements A, B { }
The interfaces A and B could evolve in the following sequence (where
some steps could be combined):
0: initial
interface A {
interface B {
1: add one default:
interface A {
public int get() default;
interface B {
2: add the same default to B:
interface A {
public int get() default;
interface B {
public int get() default;
3: change B's default:
interface A {
public int get() default;
interface B {
public int get() default Implementations.two;
With the current spec, source compatibility breaks (X would have to add
a "get" method to disambiguate) at step 3. With Neal's proposal, it
would break at step 2. The only "pretty" options would be to have it
break at step 1 (which, of course would defeat the whole purpose of
having default methods) or to not have it break at all which would mean
a (very un-Java-like) ordering on interfaces and the corresponding
user-perceived "magic" of when things work.
I have to agree with Howard and Rémi/Nathan's arguments that step 2
would be a rare beast. Which leaves little difference twixt the two.
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