Inferring lambda parameter types in an argument position

Bob Foster bobfoster at
Wed Apr 27 19:30:58 PDT 2011

Neil Gafter wrote:
I agree with your type inference suggestion, but for some reason I
keyed in on this:

> This is all modulo syntax.  I'd prefer the syntax
> *MyList<Y> newList = list
>   .map( x -> new Y(x) )
>   .filter( y -> y.IsFunny() );
> but that is a discussion for another day (just let us know which day).

Amen. Despite sneering, syntax is not a bikeshed. Everybody has an
opinion about whether there should be raw sewage in the drinking
water, too. (No disrespect to the straw man syntax intended.) Doesn't
mean taste isn't a valid measure.



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