Confusing javac error :)

David Holmes david.holmes at
Sun Dec 2 17:33:51 PST 2012

On 30/11/2012 10:21 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Please do not rely on those internal flags. There's a reason why
> lambda/default methods are not enabled by default in b65 - first and
> foremost because hotspot and JDK changes are not there yet. Let's all
> wait for next promotion, or use the lambda repo, shall we? ;-)

Thanks for clarifying that. The repo I was playing in was only up to 
b65. The lambda forest doesn't include any closed repos and so can only 
do OPENJDK builds - but my build machine is missing things needed to do 
OPENJDK builds. :(


> Maurizio

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