The build is still failing on my Mac

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at
Wed Dec 5 11:52:52 PST 2012

On Dec 5, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Mike Duigou <mike.duigou at> wrote:

> Everything compiled in jdk should be done with the langtools javac rather than the boot javac.
> Regardless, I am using 7u9 on MacOS and not seeing this problem so it's even weirder.

Same here.

My system: OS X 10.8.2, XCode 4.4.1 

> If I remove the "-auxiliaryclass" then my build fails because there are indeed jdk classes with auxiliary classes.

How come the tl/jdk repo does not require "-auxiliaryclass" ? Cab you build tl?

It's the opposite for me, i cannot build with that flag.

What error do you get?


> Mike
> On Dec 5 2012, at 01:40 , Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Same problem still exists for me.
>> The jdk/makefiles/Setup.gmk has been modified on lambda and is out of sync with tl.
>> jdk8 $ diff lambda/jdk/makefiles/Setup.gmk tl/jdk/makefiles/Setup.gmk 
>> 30c30
>> < DISABLE_WARNINGS:=-Xlint:all,-deprecation,-unchecked,-rawtypes,-cast,-serial,-dep-ann,-static,-fallthrough,-try,-varargs,-empty,-finally,-auxiliaryclass
>> ---
>>> DISABLE_WARNINGS:=-Xlint:all,-deprecation,-unchecked,-rawtypes,-cast,-serial,-dep-ann,-static,-fallthrough,-try,-varargs,-empty,-finally
>> I presume that others are using a version of JDK 8 for a Boot JDK rather than a version JDK 7?
>> Paul.

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