lambda repo merged with jdk8 mainline repo

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Wed Jul 18 13:10:20 PDT 2012

Great news Mike, we were just mentioning that the lambdas hadn't gone
mainline yet at our Java 8 talk in Oscon :-)

On 18 July 2012 13:04, Mike Duigou <mike.duigou at> wrote:
> Hello Lamdanites!
> I have completed a merge with the jdk 8 mainline repository ( The langtools repository was not merged because this time because Maurizio is manually managing differences between the langtools lambda and mainline repos.
> There will be another set of binaries built from the default lambda branch before the "it2-bootstrap" branch is merged as the default.
> In the meantime, for those who build openjdk themselves, enjoy the much faster build times provided by the updated new build infrastructure.
> Mike

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