lambda repo merged with jdk8 mainline repo

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at
Wed Jul 18 13:34:31 PDT 2012

Hi Martijn!

This is still a one way merge from mainline to the lambda repo. It's we haven't pushed any changes from lambda to mainline. Some inference work originally started in the lambda repo has been moved to mainline but the remainder still awaits completion and stabilization before it can be posted to jdk8 repos.

On Jul 18 2012, at 13:10 , Martijn Verburg wrote:

> Great news Mike, we were just mentioning that the lambdas hadn't gone
> mainline yet at our Java 8 talk in Oscon :-)
> On 18 July 2012 13:04, Mike Duigou <mike.duigou at> wrote:
>> Hello Lamdanites!
>> I have completed a merge with the jdk 8 mainline repository ( The langtools repository was not merged because this time because Maurizio is manually managing differences between the langtools lambda and mainline repos.
>> There will be another set of binaries built from the default lambda branch before the "it2-bootstrap" branch is merged as the default.
>> In the meantime, for those who build openjdk themselves, enjoy the much faster build times provided by the updated new build infrastructure.
>> Mike

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