hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Add BufferedReader.lines

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Nov 12 03:30:37 PST 2012

RuntimeException _is_ the unchecked Exception.


On 12/11/2012 1:37 PM, Zhong Yu wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Brian Goetz<brian.goetz at oracle.com>  wrote:
>>> Brian,
>>> UncheckedIOException already exists, it's IOError.
>> That exists, but is something different.
>> IOError implements Error, which is intended to indicate an error
>> situation from which the VM cannot recover.  It was added to support
>> Console, for which using Error is arguably OK.  But here, an IOException
>> is clearly NOT an Error.
>> Our choices where creating this class or wrapping it in an ordinary
>> RuntimeException.  Because we anticipated other cases with IO-backed
>> streams, we thought we'd get additional mileage out of this class.
> UncheckedIOException would also be useful in many applications where
> IO exceptions aren't expected to occur, and it would have been better
> if they are unchecked. Now programmers can use UncheckedIOException to
> convert IO exceptions to uncheck exceptions.
> However, why not have a general UncheckedException, so that we don't
> need to invent UncheckSQLException, UncheckedReflectionException etc.
> We can use RuntimeException as the wrapper now, but a dedicated
> UncheckedException can be more clear that this is just a wrapper of
> the actual exception.
> Zhong Yu

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