Trivial SAM convertion

Boaz Nahum boaznahum at
Tue Apr 2 06:06:30 PDT 2013

During my attempts to *lambdafying* my code, I came to places like this:

*Predicate<File> isDir = File::isDirectory;*
*Predicate<File> isFile = isDir.negate();*
          FileFilter isFileFilter = isFile::test;

*At first, naively I just wrote:
*FileFilter isFileFilter = isFile;

*After realizing my mistake, I wondered 'Why not *?' If we have two SAM
interfaces with identical signatures (test & accept) then one can be
converted to other.

I understand I will it is too far change JLS. But I'm asking if it is ever
considered ?

If I may, one more question. Is this will be ever a valid code ?:

Predicate<File> isFile = (File::isDirectory).negate();



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