Simple Reactive Extension Style Support in Streams

Olexandr Demura oleksander.demura at
Wed Apr 17 02:47:12 PDT 2013

For me, mere java user ignorant of outside world,
it looks like streams already designed to be used pretty much similarly to
Rx style
(w/o publish to observers and exceptions handling)

simple name substitution:
Select -> map
ManySelect -> flatMap
Where -> filter
Aggregate -> reduce
Run -> forEach
ForkJoin -> parallelStream

Since streams are read-once, they should not use notifications and events,
but reactive style libraries should consider implementing (Base-)Stream
to be generally accepted in java 8 world,
just like project states it will.

Did I miss something?

2013/4/16 Suminda Dharmasena <sirinath at>

> Hi,
> Is it possible to follow through with infinite streams and add helper
> classes for (.net) reactive extensions style usage.

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