Bitten by the lambda parameter name

Remi Forax forax at
Sat Sep 7 02:04:25 PDT 2013

On 09/07/2013 12:36 AM, Brian Goetz wrote:
> True.  But also realize that lambdas that declare locals are already
> veering into corner-case territory.  I did a quick search through lambda
> expressions in the JDK source base (which is a significant fraction of
> the lambda expressions in Java code worldwide, at this point), and found
> NO instances of lambdas that declare locals.
> I'm not saying it can't or won't happen, I'm saying it will be rare.
> So, this "but its also an issue for local variables in lambdas" argument
> doesn't really change the balance on this subject at all.  Next case!

And what about inner classes that can be converted to lambda in the JDK 
code base ?
By example, take a look to the occurence of

> On 9/6/2013 6:17 PM, Zhong Yu wrote:
>> Note that this problem does not only exist for lambda parameters, but
>> also for local variables in lambda body, apparently from the same
>> rationale.
>>       void test()
>>       {
>>           int x = 0;
>>           Runnable r = ()->{
>>               int x = 1; // error: variable x is already defined
>>           };
>>       }
>> I would imagine that people are going to use deeply nested lambda
>> expressions, e.g. a DSL to define an html tree. This restriction is
>> going to become an inconvenience.
>> Perhaps the restriction can be limited to implicit lambda parameter
>> only; explicit lambda parameter and lambda body variable have less
>> chance of causing confusion because of the full form of declaration.
>>       void test()
>>       {
>>           String s = null;
>>           int x = 0;
>>           Consumer<String> consumer = (String s)->{
>>               int x = 1;
>>           };
>>       }
>> Back to Remi's original example, if we use explicitly typed parameter
>>      Kind kind = ...
>>      map.computeIfAbsent(kind, (Kind kind)->{...});
>> it looks pretty clear that a function object is being defined; readers
>> are unlikely to confuse `kind` the method parameter with `kind` the
>> local variable (which is
>> Stephen Colebourne's point)
>> Zhong Yu
>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:34 PM, John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:
>>> On Jul 17, 2013, at 9:48 AM, Zhong Yu <zhong.j.yu at> wrote:
>>> I personally don't think it's a strong enough case; when I read
>>> x->++x, I'll see this is a new x, and the new x is being incremented.
>>> Many of the Java language safety rules (including local shadowing rules) are
>>> not designed for the people on this mailing list.  They are designed for the
>>> other 99% of programmers, who are not so eager to process language corner
>>> cases.  And shadowing, however natural its logic is, gets experienced as a
>>> corner case, often enough to cause bugs in the field.  (No I don't have
>>> survey numbers.)
>>> The value of anti-shadowing rules is less when declarations are more visible
>>> and/or can be placed in fewer syntactic locations.  This is why class
>>> members can participate in shadowing:  Class members generally occupy their
>>> own lines of code.  Parameters and locals are often declared inside other
>>> constructs (method headers, for loops), so they are harder to see.
>>> Therefore, multiple competing definitions of these constructs are more
>>> confusing.  Guess which category lambda parameters fall in?  Hint:  A lambda
>>> parameter declaration can be one token long, and embedded in an expression.
>>> So, regardless of how it outrages syntax-savvy users, I think it is better
>>> to forbid having lambda parameters participate in shadowing.
>>> The two proposed use cases of (foo) -> (expr_not_containing_foo) seem
>>> especially wrong-headed to me.  Why *must* we allow users to have the exact
>>> name "foo", for a variable that isn't even used?  Because it is so important
>>> to insert a clever comment that the formal parameter "foo" (though unused)
>>> is known to the programmer to have the same value as an uplevel variable
>>> named "foo"?  There are other ways to comment code than choose a name for an
>>> unused variable!
>>> — John

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