September 2013 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Sep 1 09:07:54 PDT 2013
Ending: Mon Sep 30 22:57:58 PDT 2013
Messages: 260
Brian Goetz
- A bit of fun with the Y combinator
Millies, Sebastian
- A bit of fun with the Y combinator
Samuel Dennis Borlongan
- A bit of fun with the Y combinator
Millies, Sebastian
- A bit of fun with the Y combinator
Zhong Yu
- About FunctionalInterface Annotation
Kaan Yamanyar
- About FunctionalInterface Annotation
Graham Allan
- About FunctionalInterface Annotation
Vitaly Davidovich
- Allowing wrapping/transforming of the final result of Stream.collect()
Graham Allan
- b106 is final JDK8 lambda preview build
Mike Duigou
- Bitten by the lambda parameter name
Zhong Yu
- Bitten by the lambda parameter name
Brian Goetz
- Bitten by the lambda parameter name
Zhong Yu
- Bitten by the lambda parameter name
Remi Forax
- Bitten by the lambda parameter name
Esko Luontola
- Bitten by the lambda parameter name
Brian Goetz
- Bug in developer preview
Marcos Antonio
- Bug in developer preview
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- Bug in developer preview
Marcos Antonio
- Bug in developer preview
Marcos Antonio
- Bug in developer preview
Zhong Yu
- Bug in developer preview
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- Bug in developer preview
Remi Forax
- Bug in developer preview
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- Bug in developer preview
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- Collection.toArray(IntFunction)
Peter Levart
- Compiler bug
Howard Lovatt
- Compiler bug
Sam Pullara
- Compiler bug
Howard Lovatt
- Compiler bug? (was RE: A bit of fun with the Y combinator)
Millies, Sebastian
- Compiler bug? (was RE: A bit of fun with the Y combinator)
Zhong Yu
- Compiler bug? (was RE: A bit of fun with the Y combinator)
Samuel Dennis Borlongan
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
stephane.demurget at
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
Zhong Yu
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
Paul Benedict
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
stephane.demurget at
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
Ivan Savchenko
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
Paul Sandoz
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
Millies, Sebastian
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
Paulo Silveira
- easier work with collections: default Stream.toList?
Millies, Sebastian
- FW: What does IncompatibleClassChangeError signify?
Millies, Sebastian
- FW: What does IncompatibleClassChangeError signify?
Remi Forax
- hg: lambda/lambda/corba: 2 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/corba: 3 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/corba: 3 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/corba: 5 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/hotspot: 12 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/hotspot: 68 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/hotspot: 78 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/hotspot: 94 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jaxp: 2 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jaxp: 3 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jaxp: 3 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jaxp: 6 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jaxws: 2 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jaxws: 2 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jaxws: 3 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jaxws: 7 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 101 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 3 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 3 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 53 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 8008688: Make MethodHandleInfo public
robert.field at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 8020816: Metafactory crashes on code with method reference; ...
robert.field at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 8023997: j.l.String.join(java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.Iterable) sample doesn't compile and is incorrect
Henry Jen
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 8023997: j.l.String.join(java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.Iterable) sample doesn't compile and is incorrect
Kasper Nielsen
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 8024260: 10 closed/java/lang/invoke/* tests failing after overhaul to MethodHandleInfo
robert.field at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 8024283: 10 nashorn tests fail with similar stack trace InternalError with cause being NoClassDefFoundError
robert.field at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 8024500: Missing API coverage for java.util.function.BiFunction andThen
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 8024874: Copy-paste typo in the spec for j.u.Comparator.thenComparing(Function, Comparator)
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: 97 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Add @since to j.u.function package info
paul.sandoz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: cleanup
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Document interaction of ordering with Stream.sort, Stream.distinct, and Stream.collect(Collector)
brian.goetz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: fix @since tag
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Fix errors in VM bridge method tests, now that bridge methods are generated by compiler
brian.goetz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Fix for 8025002 "".codePoints().sorted().iterator().hasNext() causes NegativeArraySizeException
paul.sandoz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Fix for JDK-8010293.
paul.sandoz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Include more detailed docs on serialized lambdas.
paul.sandoz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: JDK-8024339: clarify @throw behavior for Optional-bearing stream methods
brian.goetz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: LongStream::collect to be consistent in parameter naming as others
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Make VM tests write generated classes to local working dir, not tmpdir
brian.goetz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Minor clean up on javadoc
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: minor fix on javadoc
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: minor formatting and cleanup
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: More spec tweaks from EG
brian.goetz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: revert local change should not be committed
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Reverting previous commit. There is no advantage AFAICT to
paul.sandoz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Suppress overload warnings
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Sync TL on j.u.Arrays javadoc updates
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Sync with method sigs in tl.
paul.sandoz at
- hg: lambda/lambda/langtools: 2 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/langtools: 3 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/langtools: 5 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/langtools: 8 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/langtools: 8023668: Desugar serializable lambda bodies using more robust naming scheme
robert.field at
- hg: lambda/lambda/langtools: 85 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/nashorn: 2 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/nashorn: 22 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda/nashorn: 24 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda/nashorn: 27 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda: 11 new changesets
mike.duigou at
- hg: lambda/lambda: 14 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda: 15 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda: 3 new changesets
henry.jen at
- hg: lambda/lambda: 8024200: handle hg wrapper with space after #!
mike.duigou at
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Brian Goetz
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Zhong Yu
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Stuart Marks
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Howard Lovatt
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Stuart Marks
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Howard Lovatt
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Zhong Yu
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Esko Luontola
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Stuart Marks
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Stuart Marks
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Howard Lovatt
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Millies, Sebastian
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Zhong Yu
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Brian Goetz
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Esko Luontola
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Stuart Marks
- Inferring that what exceptions are thrown from a lambda
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- javac NullPointerException
Michael Hixson
- javac NullPointerException
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- javadoc warning
Jonathan Gibbons
- javadoc warning
John Rose
- javadoc warning
John Rose
- javadoc warning
Joe Darcy
- javadoc warning
Jonathan Gibbons
- lambda bug - lambda expression in instance initializer in anon/local class
Stuart Marks
- lambda bug - lambda expression in instance initializer in anon/local class
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- lambda bug - lambda expression in instance initializer in anon/local class
Andrew Haley
- lambda bug - lambda expression in instance initializer in anon/local class
Brian Goetz
- lambda bug - lambda expression in instance initializer in anon/local class
Zhong Yu
- lambda bugs - trouble with `this` in lambda body in default method
Zhong Yu
- lambda bugs - trouble with `this` in lambda body in default method
Stuart Marks
- lambda bugs - trouble with `this` in lambda body in default method
Zhong Yu
- lambda bugs? referencing instance variable from lambda body
Zhong Yu
- lambda bugs? referencing instance variable from lambda body
Zhong Yu
- lambda bugs? referencing instance variable from lambda body
Brian Goetz
- lambda bugs? referencing instance variable from lambda body
Remi Forax
- lambda bugs? referencing instance variable from lambda body
Zhong Yu
- lambda bugs? referencing instance variable from lambda body
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- lambda/lambda repo
Boaz Nahum
- lambda/lambda repo
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- last important lambda patch that was missing in TL
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- Late binding for lamba parameters?
Millies, Sebastian
- Late binding for lamba parameters?
Remi Forax
- Late binding for lamba parameters?
James Noble
- Late binding for lamba parameters?
Zhong Yu
- Late binding for lamba parameters?
Brian Goetz
- Late binding for lamba parameters?
Remi Forax
- Late binding for lamba parameters?
Brian Goetz
- Late binding for lamba parameters?
Zhong Yu
- Local Functional Interfaces
Olena Syrota
- Lots of static methods in an interface
Zhong Yu
- Lots of static methods in an interface
Brian Goetz
- Lots of static methods in an interface
Paul Benedict
- Lots of static methods in an interface
Sam Pullara
- Lots of static methods in an interface
Daniel Latrémolière
- Lots of static methods in an interface
Brian Goetz
- Lots of static methods in an interface
Daniel Latrémolière
- Maurizio Cimadamore left Oracle
Ali Ebrahimi
- No subject
John Kostaras
- Questionable compilation failure
Millies, Sebastian
- Questionable compilation failure
Remi Forax
- Questionable compilation failure
Peter Levart
- Questionable compilation failure
Remi Forax
- Questionable compilation failure
Peter Levart
- Questionable compilation failure
Peter Levart
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Zhong Yu
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Brian Goetz
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Zhong Yu
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Dan Smith
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Brian Goetz
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Remi Forax
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Sam Pullara
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Sam Pullara
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Zhong Yu
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Brian Goetz
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Zhong Yu
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Remi Forax
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Dan Smith
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Gernot Neppert
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Zhong Yu
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Zhong Yu
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Brian Goetz
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Gernot Neppert
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Gernot Neppert
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Brian Goetz
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Peter Levart
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Remi Forax
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Peter Levart
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Remi Forax
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Brian Goetz
- recursive lambda as a local variable
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- Review: lamda expressions and bulk data operations on collections.
Paul Sandoz
- RFR (2nd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Remi Forax
- RFR (2nd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR (2nd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Peter Levart
- RFR (2nd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Peter Levart
- RFR (2nd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Henry Jen
- RFR (2nd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Mandy Chung
- RFR (2nd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Henry Jen
- RFR (3rd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Henry Jen
- RFR (3rd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Mandy Chung
- RFR (3rd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Henry Jen
- RFR' [performance] Avoid of usage ASM.Type from InnerClassLambdaMetafactory
Sergey Kuksenko
- RFR' [performance] Avoid of usage ASM.Type from InnerClassLambdaMetafactory
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR' [performance] Avoid of usage ASM.Type from InnerClassLambdaMetafactory
Sergey Kuksenko
- RFR' [performance] Avoid of usage ASM.Type from InnerClassLambdaMetafactory
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR' [performance] Avoid of usage ASM.Type from InnerClassLambdaMetafactory
Sergey Kuksenko
- RFR: 8011916: Spec update for + 8024339: j.u.s.Stream.reduce(BinaryOperator) throws unexpected NPE
Henry Jen
- RFR: 8011916: Spec update for + 8024339: j.u.s.Stream.reduce(BinaryOperator) throws unexpected NPE
Mike Duigou
- RFR: 8023339 : (xs) Rename Collection.removeIf(Predicate) to removeAll(Predicate)
Mike Duigou
- RFR: 8023339 : (xs) Rename Collection.removeIf(Predicate) to removeAll(Predicate)
Brian Goetz
- RFR: 8023339 : (xs) Rename Collection.removeIf(Predicate) to removeAll(Predicate)
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8023339 : (xs) Rename Collection.removeIf(Predicate) to removeAll(Predicate)
Matthew Adams
- RFR: 8023339 : (xs) Rename Collection.removeIf(Predicate) to removeAll(Predicate)
Guy Steele
- RFR: 8023339 : (xs) Rename Collection.removeIf(Predicate) to removeAll(Predicate)
Stephen Colebourne
- RFR: 8023339 : (xs) Rename Collection.removeIf(Predicate) to removeAll(Predicate)
Kevin Bourrillion
- RFR: 8023339 : (xs) Rename Collection.removeIf(Predicate) to removeAll(Predicate)
Mike Duigou
- RFR: 8023339: (xs) Refine UOE conditions for removeIf()
Mike Duigou
- RFR: 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Florian Weimer
- RFR: 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Henry Jen
- RFR: 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Florian Weimer
- RFR: 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Henry Jen
- RFR: [performance] Early class initialization from LambdaMetafactory improves lambda linkage performance
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: [performance] Early class initialization from LambdaMetafactory improves lambda linkage performance
Remi Forax
- RFR: [performance] Early class initialization from LambdaMetafactory improves lambda linkage performance
Sergey Kuksenko
- RFR: [performance] Early class initialization from LambdaMetafactory improves lambda linkage performance
Sergey Kuksenko
- Shall we expect same behavior for bridge method
Tristan Yan
- Shall we expect same behavior for bridge method
Zhong Yu
- Shall we expect same behavior for bridge method
Remi Forax
- Unit type?
Zhong Yu
- Unit type?
Ali Ebrahimi
- Unit type?
Remi Forax
- Unit type?
Ali Ebrahimi
- Unit type?
John Rose
- Unit type?
Howard Lovatt
- Unit type?
Zhong Yu
- Unit type?
Zhong Yu
- Unit type?
John Rose
- Unit type?
Brian Goetz
- Unit type?
Paul Sandoz
- Unit type?
Zhong Yu
- Updated State of the Lambda
Brian Goetz
- Updated State of the Lambda
John Hendrikx
- Updated State of the Lambda
William Clark
- Updated State of the Lambda
Jed Wesley-Smith
- What does IncompatibleClassChangeError signify?
Millies, Sebastian
- What does IncompatibleClassChangeError signify?
Zhong Yu
- What does IncompatibleClassChangeError signify?
Millies, Sebastian
- Where to send people for preview builds and javadocs
Paul Sandoz
- Where to send people for preview builds and javadocs
Aleksey Shipilev
- Where to send people for preview builds and javadocs
Howard Lovatt
- Why is there no notation for function application?
Millies, Sebastian
- Why is there no notation for function application?
Brian Goetz
Last message date:
Mon Sep 30 22:57:58 PDT 2013
Archived on: Fri Oct 11 15:49:45 PDT 2013
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).