RFR (3rd): 8023524: Mechanism to dump generated lambda classes / log lambda code generation
Henry Jen
henry.jen at oracle.com
Fri Sep 27 10:25:21 PDT 2013
On Sep 26, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Henry,
> On 9/25/2013 12:37 AM, Henry Jen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review the update webrev at
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~henryjen/ccc/8023524/2/webrev/
> The doPrivileged block looks okay. It'd be good to limit privileges
> by calling the doPrivileged method with a specific set of Permissions.
> In this case, it would be FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "write").
Good point, I will do that.
> If "jdk.internal.lambda.dumpProxyClasses" property is set with empty
> value, would it be better to default to CWD? ProxyClassesDumper currently
> fails with non-existent directory.
That sounds reasonable, I will replace empty string with ".".
Personally I prefer explicit value being specified, I always specify "." if I wanted current directory.
> ProxyClassesDumper - you may want to use java.nio.file.Path and
> Files. I also suggest to follow the convention of classfile pathname
> and generate it in the directories reflecting the package name i.e.
> DIR/com/example/TestLambda$$Lambda$1.class
> instead of DIR/com.example.TestLambda$$Lambda$1.class,
Make sense to me if that's safe enough to do so. I don't have a strong opinion on this.
By avoiding create directories, less chance for malicious class to mess with file system.
> For escaping sequence, as Peter pointed out, I presume you can
> consider using ParseUtil.encodePath but I am not sure how importance
> it has to encode the path as this is for debugging purpose.
> No strong opinion in this one.
If I have known this, I could have used that. :)
In this latest webrev, a simple encoding is implemented which allows unicode characters to pass through, which is probably good enough?
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