GS Collections 5.0 released and lambda ready

Raab, Donald Donald.Raab at
Fri Mar 28 20:57:21 UTC 2014

Hi All,

We released GS Collections 5.0 this week on GitHub and Maven Central.  In addition to a host of new apis and features, we have also converted our test case modules to leverage Java 8.  We have converted nearly all of our anonymous inner classes in our tests to lambdas and method references.  In total, we run around 118,000 tests as part of our unit test suite note.  We saw a total reduction of around 8% of the lines of code in our test module so far.  We will be continuing to introduce more lambda and method reference usages in our upcoming releases.

To browse our tests and lambda usages in GitHub, you can use this link:

The GSC framework itself is still compatible with Java 5 - 8, but we wanted to give Java 8 lambdas and method references a large scale test in a code base that can benefit heavily from lambdas.

We also updated our reference guide and kata training materials to include examples and training using Java 8 lambda expressions and method references.

Our code, kata, release notes, documentation and couple of articles on GSC are available at the links below, and the binaries are available in Maven Central:


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