How about the performance of lambda for more cores

Mohan Radhakrishnan radhakrishnan.mohan at
Sat Mar 29 02:44:45 UTC 2014

       Can JMH help here ? One more benchmarking result I found.


On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Sergey Kuksenko <sergey.kuksenko at
> wrote:

> On 03/28/2014 06:40 AM, 吴璞渊 wrote:
>> Dear:
>>        "State of the Lambda"  introduce that the Lambda project is working
>> for parallel APIs, now how to test?
> It would be better know what exactly do want to test? "Testing parallel
> API" is too general, let's start from small pieces.
>         I made a comparison between anonymous inner class and lambda
>> expression, the result is lambda is not so good as anonymous inner class
>> in
>> one thread.
> I'd like to see your results, how did you do measurement and etc. Your
> conclusion "not so good" don't bring us any information.
> Which parts of lambda life cycle did you measure?
>         So, how about concurrent program, and if it's also depends on
>>   "invokedynamic" which is not
>> fast enough?
> What does it mean "fast enough" if we are talking about invokedynamic?
> Again, which parts of lambda life cycle do you want evaluate in case of
> concurrent program? Don't forget, invokedynamic is used only for lambda
> linkage, indy isn't used neither by lambda capturing nor by lambda
> invocation.
> --
> Best regards,
> Sergey Kuksenko

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